Friday, August 20, 2010

Cool Tattoos Gallery

Cool Tattoos for Men -Let's face it. As men, we all want to sport that cool tattoos that girls ladies would love and admire. We guys want to sport the coolest tattoo designs that we can possibly get. After all, it is a reflection of who we are and certainly a definition of our inner self. So read on and find out which tattoo designs equals "cool" and are sure hits with the ladies.

Cool TattoosTip #1 - Tattoos that Means Strength and Perseverance

There are a lot of animal tat designs that connotes strength and perseverance. Some examples are dragon, panther, lion, tiger, eagle and snake. They are strong and powerful animals so having them tattooed on your body can imply that you are in touch with their strength and ability.

Cool TattoosTip #2 Its All About Locations...Locations...

Of course, choosing your tattoo design is one major point in this journey of yours, but the second most important thing is which part of the body will it be tattooed. As men, we are comfortable with your skin and its best to sport it in areas of the body that can highlight our natural physique. Best locations are definitely arm, rib side, chest and back.

Cool TattoosTip #3 Be As Unique As You Can Be

With tattoos being in the mainstream, the competition now lies in who has the most unique and most original body artwork. There are several ways that you can do to achieve this goal. You can hire a tat artist to do a custom work for you. Just talk with him and discuss what you want with your design and he should be able to draw out something that is tailored to your needs.

Cool TattoosThe other way for you on how to be unique and cool in your tattoo is to design it yourself. You don't have to be an artist to do this; all you need is a little imagination and creativity. You can do this by signing up at tattoo gallery online with tons of original designs. From there, you can customize everything. You can mix and match designs and you can play up with the colors and styles. It's really easier and simpler than you think. Plus, your tat journey will even be more memorable since you involve yourself in creating the design that you will love to be inked on your forever.

Girl Tattoo gallery

If you aren't finding many cute girl tattoos, that's because of all the generic stuff you're running in to. You don't want to spend too much time staring at that cookie cutter junk, because people that do it will usually end up settling on one of them. Just about all of these folks will regret it, too. I won't bother you with sob stories, though, because I want to share the quickest way to uncover huge collections of cute girl tattoos.

Girl Tattoo galleryIt's all about quality and originality when it comes to tattoo art. Without those two traits, the design you pick will be very, very generic. The problem right now is that 95% of females only find galleries that are stuffed with that cookie cutter stuff. Do you have any guesses as to why that's happening?

Girl Tattoo galleryIt's actually a lot simpler than you might think. It's because our good friends, search engines, keep directing us right to those horrible galleries. That's all you get from their lists when you use them to find cute girl tattoos. It's just one generic laced gallery after another, while the higher quality artwork sites are left out.

Girl Tattoo galleryYou have a very good shot at finding all of those wonderful places, though, and you do it by using the assistance of any larger type of forum. If you pick one of the biggest forums and slide into their archives, you'll be blown away by how many information filled topics about tattoo artwork that are stuffed in there.

Girl Tattoo galleryJust pick out a couple of the larger ones and leisurely skim the posts, because that's what will lead you to so many cute girl tattoos. It's where people are helping each other out by sharing names and links of the amazing galleries they've been lucky enough to find recently and you reap the benefits.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flower Tattoo Designs - Perfect Tattoo Patterns For Women

Flower Tattoo Designs - Perfect Tattoo Patterns For Women

If you are planning to get a permanent tattoo, remember, a good body ink can be expensive and painful too. Price wise, black color tattoos are always cheaper in comparison to colored ones. To care for the tattoo, you have to take care of your skin for a week after the ink has been marked permanently into your skin. You must also apply cream on it daily.

If you are looking for a good tattoo design, why not consider flower patterns. Flower designs are unique because they are often combined with butterflies and hearts. Different types of flowers will portray different meaning. With so many types of flowers available, the choices are endless.

The job of a good tattoo artist is to enhance the design is such a way that a simple flower pattern also looks unique and marvelous. The cost of getting inked usually depends on the size and the complexity of the tattoo. Many floral tattoo designs can be found on the web which you can and print it out and hand it to your tattoo artist.

Nowadays, tattoos are so much in trend that there are so many tattoo parlors around us. Make sure you choose a professional tattoo artist for this purpose as a tattoo will be etched to your body forever.

Before you proceed with inking the flower design, you must be relaxed and clam and must be mentally prepared for the amount of pain you are going to experience. The tattoo artist will use a gun shaped apparatus with colored pigment to draw the outline of the flower on your skin. Next, different colors will be painted to bring out the brilliance of the floral design.

Remember, permanent tattoos are forever. If you wish to remove it, you have to go through some painful ordeal. To remove your tattoo, you can go for either Intense Pulsed Light Therapy or Surgical Excision. Both procedure for tattoo removal are painful and will leave a long lasting scar.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Angel Tattoo Designs - Spread Safety and Love With Your Unique Angel Tattoo Design

Angel tattoos are lovely to look and admire. They present an impression of the heavenly and Godly. Many celebrities have this heavenly being imprinted onto their skin. They look at angels as harbinger of good news and protection from harm.

Angel tattoo designs are gaining popularity in all sectors. Lots of men, women, old and young share their fascination about angels. Furthermore, seeing the figure of a person with wings and the ubiquitous nature of angels definitely attract men to angels. Of course, the prospect of receiving blessings because angels come from God makes them the top choice for a tattoo.

Because angels are characters found in the Bible, much religiosity is attached to them. And those who have an angel body mark are identified or typecast as some sort of religious freak. Some people don't realize that in the context of art, angel figures are very superb and it has a calming effect on someone who sees it.

One only needs to specify what he or she wants and the desired body mark can be customized easily according to the wearer's requirements. Basic in drawing this heavenly creature is the wing symmetry, whether it is a seraph, archangel, guardian angel or cherub that you are drawing.

The size of your angel tattoo design depends on what you want to emphasize and the degree of visual impact of your drawing. An angel with wings spread widely tattooed on the whole back area would easily attract attention especially when it was done neatly. A cherub and seraph on each shoulder blade are a pleasing sight to see.

Whatever preference you may have, design varieties for this lovely, gentle, and meek creature abound. Always remember that there is always an angel who loves and cares for you.

By Amy Johns

Flower Tattoo Art - Have Your Skin Inked With Blooming Emblems

Since the earlier years, the flower tattoo art has been closely linked to the making of beautiful blossom patterns. As a matter of fact, this body art is associated with the old creation of tattoo artwork. This can be proven by the way they look that if you will notice, even though the flower tattoo designs look stylish and trendy, they can also usher a different meaning to every person who chose it, regardless of which country across the nations you come from. This article will be sharing with you a lot more information regarding this flower tattoo art so you will better understand the significance and beauty of such artwork. Here are just a few of the other possible reasons why you may want to have some of these flower design tattoos inked on your body.

First, make sure that you find a beautiful pattern that will quietly tell people a story or tale about your personality. Make sure that hewn choosing the perfectly ideal design for you, take into consideration the shape as well as the form of the flower tattoo art you are going to get. That way, when you go to your local tattoo artist, you already know the exact design you prefer.

If you are a man, find some other designs. These flower tattoo designs are truly meant to bring out the feminine side of every woman. It represents the true character, as well as beauty of the woman. There are actually a wide range of colors to choose from, so be very meticulous before deciding on one as you know; body tattoos are actually what you may consider hypothetically permanent as soon as inked into you.

If you are the type of person who is somewhat on the religious side, or is devout in the practices of your religion, then you may choose the iris three-way petals as a design. This flower tattoo art actually stands for the Holy Trinity, while both the white and blue colors signify our Blessed Virgin Mary.

What is more, you can also choose the flower tattoos combined with a hummingbird or any other kind of bird you prefer, enjoying eating the nectar from the tattoo flowers inked on your body. There is no doubt that it would surely be a beautiful design to look at. Also, add some striking colors to make them vivid and more beautiful. That would make your tattoo design more stunningly beautiful and all worth it.

Lastly, because such flower tattoos are designs that depict and showcase the symbols of beauty and attractiveness, you should make it a point that you do not only mark or ink yourself with a blossom tattoo that is beautiful to look at, but more importantly, make sure that you always wear a beautiful you, inside and out, wherever you go. The tattoos are just accessories to make you look beautiful, but your true beauty will always be the one that will come from within your heart.

By Russell Reugh

Monday, June 28, 2010

Proper Care of a New Tattoo

Once finished, you are certainly going to want to know how to take proper care of your new tattoo. From this point on, your artist is not responsible for any infection or problems you may have with your tattoo if you don't take proper care of it. It is very important that you follow these guidelines. A really beautiful tattoo can turn into a disaster if the proper aftercare is not taken.

Before you walked out of the tattoo salon your artist will have covered up your tattoo with a bandage and for a very good reason. The purpose is to keep the air borne bacteria from invading your wound. Yes, as pretty as your new tattoo is, it is still a wound. Open flesh is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection. It is imperative that the bandage not be removed for at least two hours. Resist the urge to peel the bandage away to flaunt your new tat.

After you remove the bandage, you will want to wash your tattoo. Use lukewarm water and mild, liquid antibacterial soap to gently wash away any ointment, blood to completely clean the area. Do not use a washcloth or anything abrasive. Your hand is your best tool in this case. Follow these instructions carefully so you can be certain that you are taking proper care of your new tattoo.

Then pat (do not rub) the area firmly with a clean towel or paper towel to get it completely dry. Follow with a very light application of your choice of ointment. A&D vitamin enriched ointment would be my first choice, but if you don't have any, Bacitracin or a similar antibacterial ointment is acceptable.

Do not use Neosporin. This is a wonderful product for cuts and scrapes, but not in trying to give proper care for new tattoos. Some can have an allergic reaction to the Neosporin, which causes little red bumps. When the bumps go away, so does the ink.

After you have used the ointments for about 3-5 days then continue to keep the tattoo clean but at this point it is acceptable to use a mild lotion rather than ointment. The purpose is just to keep the skin soft. To ensure proper care of your new tattoo make sure any lotions that you apply are dye and fragrance free. Eucerin lotion seems to work the best for most people.

You can shower with a new tattoo. It's OK to get your tattoo wet, just try not to soak it. If you get soap or shampoo on your tattoo, just remove it quickly with water. Swimming, whether it is a pool, fresh water or salt water should be avoided for at least 2 weeks.

After a few days, you will notice some peeling and possibly a little scabbing. Excessive scabbing could indicate a poorly done tat. Apply warm moist compresses to the scabs for about 5 minutes 2-3 times a day to soften them and they will eventually come off on their own. Taking proper care of your new tattoo means that you will have to endure a bit of discomfort so when your tat starts to heal it will itch but NEVER pick it or scratch it. Rather just slap it softly; this means the tattoo is almost healed.

Read on to discover how the healing process of a tattoo [] actually takes place. Download your copy of Beginner's Guide To Tattoo. Go to right now before we wise up and decide to no longer reveal our secrets!

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Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

You see cherry blossom tattoos on many women these days as these such designs have grown in popularity among tattoo aficionados and first timers alike. This rush for distinct tattoos of cherry blossoms has given rise to a great interest in the meaning and symbolism of the cherry blossom in both the Chinese and Japanese cultures.

Since tattoos are very personal things, they can say a lot about a person so getting the right tattoo for the right reason is important. Since cherry blossoms mean different things in Chinese and Japanese society you should be aware that peoples of those backgrounds might react quite differently when they see it.

Cherry Blossoms In China

The Chinese see the cherry blossom as a symbol of power, particularly of the dominance of the feminine persona. This could mean a blossom tattoo is ideal for you if you are a strong willed woman who values her liberty and freedom or if you have recently come out of a difficult relationship.

It also stands for love if you are coming from the herbal lore approach.

Cherry Blossoms In Japan

In Japanese culture there is often a link between the blossoming of cherry tress and the Buddhist concept of "mono no aware" which refers to the reverence for life, the transience of being and the sadness at the passing of things. This is because cherry blossoms only appear on tress for short times before they fall to the ground.

This association with mortality is highly symbolic in Japan and has been used in traditional art there for many centuries along with more recent manga or anime. This link may however make a tattoo of cherry blossoms unsuitable for some. Alternatively, it may give you renewed appreciation for the fragility of life and help you make the most of your brief time on this Earth, while bringing you a different perspective on the hard times you may face; knowing that they will not last forever.

Getting A True Reflection Of Cherry Blossom In Your Tattoo

While it is true that there are many different varieties of cherry blossom, many people do not appreciate just how different looking they can be. In fact, the most common cherry tree in Japan is Somei Yoshino which has largely white blossom with only the faintest hint of pink on the petals.

Other popular choices do have very much more pink in their blossom and it is these that you will more commonly see as tattoos. But still, this is something you will have to think about when getting your tattoo. You should do some research, find pictures of tattoos other people have had and decide which you prefer. It might depend on your skin tone; those with pale skin will definitely want a more pink design whereas tanned or olive skinned people should think about paler pink or white flowers in their designs.

You should also think about how much of the branch to integrate into the overall tattoo design. Realism would dictate that you have a fair bit of branch with flowers clumped together along it but it will probably come down to both personal taste and where you intend the tattoo to be.

Getting Your Tattoo Done

If you have decided upon a tattoo incorporating cherry blossoms you should be very selective over whom you get to apply the design to your skin. Japanese art is very intricate as is the cherry tree itself so you need somebody who has experience in this type of tattoo. Make sure you talk over with them exactly what you want and don't be afraid to ask for amendments to their initial drawings so that the finished article is something you are happy to live with for the rest of your life.

So there you have it, I hope this overview of the meaning and symbolism of the cherry tree blossom has been useful in making up your mind about that tattoo you've been after.

Steve Waller has been a tattoo fan for years. Check out this brand new way to find cherry blossom tattoo designs online that you can print off and take along to any tattoo artist in your area.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tattoo Designs - What Anchors Symbolize

Sailors hold the symbol of the anchor tattoo very close and dear to their heart as it represents a glimpse of the experience they encounter everyday at sea. It was a sign that served as a remembrance of the joy and the hardships that they shared together as sailors. Anchors are one of the old school tattoo styles. Sailor Jerry could be credited for making the anchor tattoo very popular amongst other tattoo enthusiast beside sailors. The anchor symbol faded for a few years but has since found a new generation who are bringing back the designs of the old school tattoos.

Early Symbolize Meanings

The earliest known symbolic representation of the anchor tattoo was used as a symbol by early Christians. Some believed it was a way to convey their faith while hiding the sign of the cross in the anchor design, to avoid persecution by the Greeks. The symbol of the anchor was worn as a necklace to identify other Christians and followers of Christ.

The Symbol Used By Sailors

Sailors have used the symbol for many years to signify stability and a strong foundation as in standing their grounds for what they believed. The anchor was commonly designed with other sea creatures such as fishes or mermaids. Anchor tattoos was a favorite design among sailors as well as the nautical stars, ships, ropes, pirates, skull, eagles, flowers and beautiful hula girls. And much like the nautical star the anchor was used as a sign for protection and hope. It was a symbol treasured very deeply and the sailors wore it proudly.

Today the symbol is making a come back with new styles and designs. People are also going back and reclaiming the traditional old school anchor tattoos. The anchor is very versatile with the combinations of other designs. It can blend smoothly or be incorporated into a design very easily.

So why get a anchor tattoo? It can be a reminder for you to stay grounded and represent the stability that you have. If you are in a relationship, you can embellish the anchor with banners that includes each others names. This can portray your everlasting love, may it always have a strong foundation.

By Naipua Allen

Tattoo Designs - Lotus Flowers and What They Symbolize

The lotus flower is to the East what the rose is to the West. In fact, these are the two most popular flower tattoos.

Beauty and Detachment
The lotus flow has a story to tell - a flower that grows in mud and emerges pristine and pure, to bloom in perfect beauty, floating sublimely on the surface of the water. Because of this, it is seen as a symbol of detachment - being in the world, not of the world. Each night it closes its petals, each morning it opens to the sunshine and the world, closely resembling the human activity of sleeping and waking. It is not hard to understand its appeal.

It has been a source of wonder and inspiration for thousands of years. When people have searched for a description of perfect beauty, many have used the lotus flower as the epitome.

Mystic Qualities
It is strongly associated with Hinduism and Buddhism - both religions use the flower as a symbol of perfection, a symbol of the divine, giving it a mystic quality like no other flower. In some cultures the color of the lotus flower has different meanings - white for purity, blue for goodness and red for enlightenment. The ancient Egyptians regarded the blue lotus as sacred and a sign of purity as dirt did not cling to its petals.

Hope and Endurance
It has extraordinary hardiness. Its seeds can lie dormant for two hundred years and then bloom with the first rains. Its stalk is tough and not easily broken. The Chinese saw this as a symbol of fidelity.

The lotus flower tattoo symbolizes new beginnings, new hope, new life, longevity and endurance. Because of the importance it holds in so many cultures, the lotus flower has been depicted thousands of times. This means there are numerous lotus flower tattoo designs. You can choose one to help express your personality and your feelings. You can send a message to the world or you can simply wear a lotus tattoo for yourself - to give you strength, to give you hope, to lift your spirits, to remind you to never say die, to endure.

By Wlliam Burnell

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tattoo Ideas For 2010 - Top 3 Hottest New Tattoo Designs

Are you ready to get a new tattoo this year? No matter if it is your first tattoo or your tenth, getting fresh ink requires a little research and development before going to get it done. Designs and trends seem to change on a year to year basis, and 2010 appears to be no exception to that rule. Here are the hottest new tattoo design ideas for 2010. Pick one of these and you are sure to be happy with your results.

Top 3 Hottest New Tattoo Designs for 2010

1. Roman Neck Tattoo - Getting a Roman tattoo on your neck may sound a little painful, but the look is certainly in style. The roman letters can represent anything from sayings of strength and power, to the name of someone close to your heart. While the most popular versions are black and white, getting some color on your neck tattoo will make it stand out from the rest.
2. Hand/Finger Web Tattoos - Believe it or not, many people are now getting tattoos on their hands and fingers. A popular idea is to get a spider web type design on your hand or even your palm. The look is especially distinct when you add pictures of spiders or small animals to the design as well. Be careful here, though, as you will be locked into everyone seeing it whether you want them to or not given the visible location.
3. Middle Back Bird Tattoos - Getting a soaring eagle or other similar bird in the middle of your back, so it spreads its wings as you stretch your back, is becoming more popular and in demand. This easy to cover up tattoo can be a very complex and personal design and the color pallet is virtually limitless.

Getting a tattoo is a very personal decision and you should do your research and homework before going to get the permanent ink applied. Stick with one of these top ideas and you will be happy with your results.

There are some other great tattoo ideas and designs available for you to check out over at sites such as

Using an online design gallery gives you tremendous research and benefit when you are preparing to get a new tattoo. Visit one today to start planning your next tattoo adventure.

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Proper Care of a New Tattoo

Once finished, you are certainly going to want to know how to take proper care of your new tattoo. From this point on, your artist is not responsible for any infection or problems you may have with your tattoo if you don't take proper care of it. It is very important that you follow these guidelines. A really beautiful tattoo can turn into a disaster if the proper aftercare is not taken.

Before you walked out of the tattoo salon your artist will have covered up your tattoo with a bandage and for a very good reason. The purpose is to keep the air borne bacteria from invading your wound. Yes, as pretty as your new tattoo is, it is still a wound. Open flesh is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection. It is imperative that the bandage not be removed for at least two hours. Resist the urge to peel the bandage away to flaunt your new tat.

After you remove the bandage, you will want to wash your tattoo. Use lukewarm water and mild, liquid antibacterial soap to gently wash away any ointment, blood to completely clean the area. Do not use a washcloth or anything abrasive. Your hand is your best tool in this case. Follow these instructions carefully so you can be certain that you are taking proper care of your new tattoo.

Then pat (do not rub) the area firmly with a clean towel or paper towel to get it completely dry. Follow with a very light application of your choice of ointment. A&D vitamin enriched ointment would be my first choice, but if you don't have any, Bacitracin or a similar antibacterial ointment is acceptable.

Do not use Neosporin. This is a wonderful product for cuts and scrapes, but not in trying to give proper care for new tattoos. Some can have an allergic reaction to the Neosporin, which causes little red bumps. When the bumps go away, so does the ink.

After you have used the ointments for about 3-5 days then continue to keep the tattoo clean but at this point it is acceptable to use a mild lotion rather than ointment. The purpose is just to keep the skin soft. To ensure proper care of your new tattoo make sure any lotions that you apply are dye and fragrance free. Eucerin lotion seems to work the best for most people.

You can shower with a new tattoo. It's OK to get your tattoo wet, just try not to soak it. If you get soap or shampoo on your tattoo, just remove it quickly with water. Swimming, whether it is a pool, fresh water or salt water should be avoided for at least 2 weeks.

After a few days, you will notice some peeling and possibly a little scabbing. Excessive scabbing could indicate a poorly done tat. Apply warm moist compresses to the scabs for about 5 minutes 2-3 times a day to soften them and they will eventually come off on their own. Taking proper care of your new tattoo means that you will have to endure a bit of discomfort so when your tat starts to heal it will itch but NEVER pick it or scratch it. Rather just slap it softly; this means the tattoo is almost healed.

Read on to discover how the healing process of a tattoo [] actually takes place. Download your copy of Beginner's Guide To Tattoo. Go to right now before we wise up and decide to no longer reveal our secrets!

Article Source:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tattoo Designs - Lotus Flowers and What They Symbolize

The lotus flower is to the East what the rose is to the West. In fact, these are the two most popular flower tattoos.

Beauty and Detachment
The lotus flow has a story to tell - a flower that grows in mud and emerges pristine and pure, to bloom in perfect beauty, floating sublimely on the surface of the water. Because of this, it is seen as a symbol of detachment - being in the world, not of the world. Each night it closes its petals, each morning it opens to the sunshine and the world, closely resembling the human activity of sleeping and waking. It is not hard to understand its appeal.

It has been a source of wonder and inspiration for thousands of years. When people have searched for a description of perfect beauty, many have used the lotus flower as the epitome.

Mystic Qualities
It is strongly associated with Hinduism and Buddhism - both religions use the flower as a symbol of perfection, a symbol of the divine, giving it a mystic quality like no other flower. In some cultures the color of the lotus flower has different meanings - white for purity, blue for goodness and red for enlightenment. The ancient Egyptians regarded the blue lotus as sacred and a sign of purity as dirt did not cling to its petals.

Hope and Endurance
It has extraordinary hardiness. Its seeds can lie dormant for two hundred years and then bloom with the first rains. Its stalk is tough and not easily broken. The Chinese saw this as a symbol of fidelity.

The lotus flower tattoo symbolizes new beginnings, new hope, new life, longevity and endurance. Because of the importance it holds in so many cultures, the lotus flower has been depicted thousands of times. This means there are numerous lotus flower tattoo designs. You can choose one to help express your personality and your feelings. You can send a message to the world or you can simply wear a lotus tattoo for yourself - to give you strength, to give you hope, to lift your spirits, to remind you to never say die, to endure.

William Burnell has a long standing interest in tattooing - its art, design and history.

You can find a wonderful choice of lotus flower tattoo designs and all the information you will need on tattoo artists, prices, risks and aftercare at:

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The Beauty of Flower Tribal Tattoos

If you go back in history, you will have the evidences that points out to the long time existence of tattoos. The first evidence was discovered in Egypt. There is a strong belief that the trends had utilized by many ancient tribal people around the globe.

The tattoo body art was the stigma of strength, vitality and status in the name of beauty. There are some tribal casts who use tattoo to ward off evil spirit and they think it can cure diseases. The tribal soldier uses it to symbolizing their great courage and mighty strength.

Tribal tattoo designers make the design of flower, animal and religious symbols and tribal flower tattoos are great variation of art and it is being greatly used by worldwide tattoo lovers.

Tribal flower tattoos are one type of ancient tattoo that can make you feel the essence of great cultural heritage. There is huge number of people are recognizing the value of the its body art. The bold strokes and curve designs are the combination of beauty and strength but now it is blended with fashion factor. The unique shapes and colors of tribal flower tattoos can really make you one from others tattoos fan. Normally the basic idea of imprinting it is done on one arm or on the back. These types of tattoos are really sophisticated and traditional. Creativity is the perfect word which is intimated with the tribal flower tattoo.

In recent days tribal tattoos are executed and incorporated in different ways. Stark, black, arching lines and mirror-image patterns are the typical tribal tattoo patterns. Flowers are the most popular designs of it. Flower has become very popular and off course it is highly fashionable. There are lots of flower tribal tattoo designs and you can easily choose the perfect one for you.

You can search your favorite flower tattoo design in internet because there are lots of websites of tattoo makers and most of them provides their works portfolio on their website so you can easily select the best design. Rose, Lotus, Hibiscus, Daisy and Lily are the different types of flower tattoos. The artists have been paid special attention to the flower tribal tattoo so that then a normal shape of rose can be changed into different shapes and designs. No matter if you have a large flower tattoo on your back or small one on your feet but the only matter is how you are carrying this style.

Before going to tattooing your body it's very important to decide which type of design you want and if you have no particular design in your mind then it can take a bit of time. Drawing a customized tattoo can take a bit more time than other impression tattoos but these really look cool and it can give a great boost to your status. Unique tribal flower tattoo designs are very well known specially these design which wrap around your arms or back.

To learn more about Flower Tribal Tattoos & Visit Flower Tribal Tattoos Pictures for more tattoos designs.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tattoo Ideas For Girls

Tattoos have grown in popularity over the past 10 years. The idea that tattoos are rebellious, shocking or reflect a girls moral character have dissolved. The popularity of tattoos has increased and so has their acceptance. This is due largely to an increase in celebrities happily sporting them. It is estimated that thirty six percent of those ages 18 to 25 have at least one tattoo and forty percent of people ages 26 to 40 have at least one tattoo. With that being said it is still true that more men than women have tattoos.

Tattoos for girls are typically more feminine in nature. They are generally smaller and more delicate with thinner lines and are usually isolated to one or two parts of the body. Almost like accessories or accent pieces. The most popular spot for girls to get tattoos are the lower back, left shoulder, ankle, upper breast or bikini area. The lower back is a popular spot because it is not always shown but can be flashed. The shoulder is also a sought after spot. The left shoulder is traditionally known as the feminine shoulder and a tattoo there can be a great accent when wearing tank tops or halter tops. Ankle tattoos are cute and many girls are now getting tattoos on the top of the foot or small delicate ones on their toes. They are a great accent when wearing sandals or flip-flops. Like the lower back tattoo, tattoos on the upper breast or bikini area can be hidden.

Some tattoo ideas for girls that are feminine and have a long history include: sun, flower, angel wings, fairy, star, butterfly, Celtic and Zodiac symbols, dolphin, rose, and heart. Although traditional, these tattoo ideas are always unique by meaning to the person wearing them, and most tattoo artists are happy to create a one-of-a-kind design.

More great tattoo ideas for girls can be found at : Tattoo Ideas

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Guardian Angel Tattoos - Finding the Right Meaningful Design For You

Guardian angel tattoos are very meaningful. However, everybody views them a bit differently. You must choose one that really means something to you, rather than pick one out just because you like the way it looks. All too often somebody will choose a random, low quality tattoo. After they get it inked onto their skin, they are either disappointed with the way it turned out or find that many other people have the same exact tattoo. This is because the internet is flooded with the same ole' tattoo designs.

So, how can you find quality designs of guardian angel tattoos? Well, obviously, you should take your time in choosing. Never, ever make any impulse decision in regards to something that will be on you forever. You don't want to be one of the many people who settle on the first decent tattoo they come across, only to regret doing so for the rest of their lives. They look back and wish that they had been more patient with their decision. The same thing will happen to you if you don't take your time to find a high quality design.

One thing you need to do is make sure that the guardian angel tattoos you consider are truly drawn to be made into tattoos. The sad thing is that so many of the galleries you will find through a search engine will have nothing but generic artwork. Nothing you will find was actually drawn by a tattoo artist to be made into body art. A special type of drawing needs to be done in order for the designs to come out looking great and clean once inked in on your body.

Many people will end up picking out random designs. They go in and get them inked, and don't realize that the result is not going to come out looking as amazing as they were hoping. The guardian angel tattoos that they thought look great on their computer screens and papers don't look so great on them. Whenever you choose a design, you should ask a talented tattoo artist if it should be altered in any way before it is made into body art.

Here is a helpful tip that can help you find a lot of wonderful angel tattoo art that you have undoubtedly missed out on:

Spend some time browsing through internet forums. You will be amazed over the number of great links you will find at forums, most of which don't show up in Google results. All you have to do is use a forum's search function and type in "guardian angel tattoos" or something similar. You will then be able to locate all of the topics that have information, links, and images to quality designs. People post everything they find to share with others, therefore eliminating a lot of hard work that you would otherwise have to do yourself! Just check out the dates on the threads you look over to ensure that the angel designs you find links to are relatively new.

Terry Daniels of, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at

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Lower Back Tattoo Designs - How to Pick a Great Design

Lower back tattoo designs can be long and thin or rounded for the small of the back. Tattoos have been a part of the culture of civilized man since thousands of years. Back in those days however, it was not exactly common to see girls walking around the beach scantily clad with lower back designs poking out from their swimwear or jean shorts.

Usually people had either small pinpoint markings on their bodies signifying events, or decorative full body ink instead of simple low back tattoo designs. But in modern times, we have a certain social shame associated with conspicuous tattoos, so small lower back tattoo designs are a popular choice for most people looking for something inconspicuous that still adds some individuality and flare to their appearance.

Where to Find Lower Back Tattoo Designs

It is easy to see hundreds of examples of lower back designs by simply walking into a tattoo parlor and perusing the available sample materials that many of the shops have. Designs can be of anything from popular flower, butterfly or star arrangements to pictures of religious symbolism or faces of people.

Chinese characters are a popular form of back designs since they are compact, simple in terms of color or shading and can have a distinct meaning about the person that not everyone can clearly read at first glance. Looking through volumes of past designs can be helpful in formulating your own ideas, deciding what you want to get and also what you would like to avoid.

Online Lower Back Designs

If you are just beginning your tattoo search and are not sure what you would like, a good place to start is by checking out an online tattoo finder. Most will have a wide selection of your back tattoo designs in multiple categories and may even let you print a stencil for an artist. for 1'000's & 1'000's Of New & Hot Tattoo Designs on the Web!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lower Back Tattoo Designs - Tips For Finding the Most Unique

Those who wear lower back tattoo designs do so for the benefit of others. The only way to see your design is to look in a mirror. They are the up and coming fashion statement of a new generation, but they have actually been around for a long time.

In other cultural areas of the world stemming back many generations, tattoos are used for ritualistic and custom purposes, often to proclaim a rite of passage or social standing among tribes. My how they have evolved over the years!

In our modern times, and really not unlike our predecessors, lower back tattoo designs are often used to attract the opposite sex, and they obviously work. There is a certain mystique and sensual appeal in having a tattoo placed in this region of your human canvas.

On the female form, placing a tattoo in this area will accentuate certain areas of the body; namely the hips and glut area, and at the same time can visually minimize a waist line. The back is one area that rarely changes as we age, and so is the perfect spot for body art. Women of all ages are wearing lower back tattoo designs.

An offensive term used for this placement is tramp stamp, as the only way to view this form of tattoo is to expose the lower region of the backside, to the delight of you partner or simple pride in your adornment.

One advantage to having a tattoo in this area is it can be well hidden if you work in an industry that prohibits body art. How will they know if you don't show? Some famous celebrities show off their lower back tattoos every chance they get.

Nicky Hilton advertises her family business in gothic form, with the word Hilton, Sarah Michelle Gellar is proud of her pair of purple dragonflies, Pam Anderson has her beloved tribal design and Julie Roberts opted for a butterfly on her bottom.

Whichever design you are thinking of, one piece of advise is offered, and that is to take your time and make sure that this design is one you are willing to live with forever. What message are you trying to convey? What do you associate yourself with on a deep, personal level?

The tattoo should fit the person who wears it, and this includes lowerback tattoo designs, which even though you are unable to see on a regular basis, if you are revealing you design to the world, they should know who you are and why you are wearing it.

Terry Daniels of, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at

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Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life

Tribal art tattoos look great, but more importantly, every tribal design has a deeper meaning. When choosing a tribal tattoo, you should consider these meanings, and make sure that you believe in the statement that you are making.

Choosing A Tribal Design Tattoo

There are several different tribal tattoo designs to choose from. There are tribal zodiac designs, suns and stars, religious symbols, and even tribal band tattoos. Each design has a meaning, be it spiritual or societal. This has been the case since ancient times, when tattoos were used either to mark affiliation with a group, or religious, magical, or spiritual beliefs.

Some of the oldest known tribal tattoos existed thousands of years ago. Many of these tattoos depicted the sun and stars to honor the Sun God and the element of fire. Tribal sun tattoos, as well as stars, can vary in size and detail. This makes them adaptable for any part of your body, though the shoulders and back seem to be the most popular locations. If you want to get creative, you can make a chain of tribal stars with a tribal sun image as the center point.

Another choice of recent popularity is zodiac tribal tattoos. The zodiac is the first known celestial coordinate system. The Greek and Roman zodiac is the most popular, but cultures all over the world have applied astrological meaning to the stars for millenia. While there is no scientific basis, many people identify with the traits of their zodiac sign. If you are one of these people, a tribal zodiac tattoo may be right for you.

As stated, tattoos have represented religious meaning for many years. Because of this, many people have chosen to represent their beliefs in primitive ways with a tribal design of religious symbols. Depending on your beliefs, you may want to do some research before you make your decision. The key is to make sure that you use a symbol that is most meaningful to you. From there, you can be creative in your design, or allow your tattoo artist to design a tattoo for you.

Tribal armband tattoos are possibly the most common form of tribal art. Armbands are usually formed of flames, barbed wire, or knot work, but you do not have to stay with the basics. The point of a tattoo is to make it personal, so you can use any type of tribal art that you would like to incorporate in your armband. For example, you could use barbed wire to wrap around your arm, holding a religious symbol or zodiac sign in place. Other images can be incorporated, as well, including animals or words. For something a bit more personalized, armband tattoos can even be modified to fit around the wrist, as well.

Terry Daniels of, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Nowadays lower back tattoo designs are hardly an original choice these since about one fifth of women who do have a tattoo have one on their lower back. It is difficult to see young women without a lower back tattoo and has become so common that the derogatory term "Tramp Stamp" has come about. This term is usually applied to those young women in low cut jeans and crop top showing off a generic tribal tattoo design.

It's easy to understand why the they are so popular. There are a few places on a woman's body that can be thought of as sensual. Many any consider the most sensitive areas to be the the neck and the lower back. The ease with which you can hide your lower back tattoos has resulted in increased popularity and they have a tantalizing and sensual appeal to men. Unlike other areas of the body, the lower back is completely covered up by a shirt. You can show your tattoo off when you want which is ideal for those who may frowned upon for having a tattoo on display in the workplace.

There is a wide variety of lower back tattoo designs and styles. Some of the more popular include-

* Flower Designs are a popular first choice for women and especially in the lower back area.
* Dolphin Tattoos also look good on the lower back and can be especially cute. Other cute tattoos include butterfly tattoos.
* Tribal Designs are the most common lower back tattoo designs that you see on women. The most popular tribal designs include Star, Sun and Celtic styles. Many tribal designs are inspired by styles from Polynesia.
* Dragon Designs are reserved for the more adventurous and always look fantastic.

If you decide on a lower back tattoo design then make sure you follow this advice. You must wear loose fitting pants to prevent any unnecessary rubbing against your new tattoo throughout the healing process. Make sure to wear something loose when you do visit the tattoo artist as it will make it easier to do the job.

It sounds obvious but research the tattoo you want to get and if there is any doubt in your mind about getting it then find another design that you are totally happy about. Tattoo removal is expensive and painful. Don't get a lower back tattoo design because all of your friends have one or just because it is in fashion right now.

When you finally decide on a lower back tattoo design be sure that it is unique expression of yourself and that you will be delighted with it for the rest of your life.

Scott recommends you check out this resource for lower back tattoo designs featured in this Squidoo lens. Visit the Pictures of Tattoos lens. Choose from thousands of lower back tattoo designs in every style.

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Unique and Fresh New Tattoo Art - My Quest to Find My First Design

The popularity of tattoos is exploding; everywhere I go I see tattoo art on somebody. I've wanted one for a long time and yet I want my first to be a unique and original tattoo design. I want the perfect first tattoo after all it may be the only one I ever get. Then I may get the obsession others have and get more. What ever the case I want my first to be original and different, something that turns heads on the street because it hasn't been done yet.

Going into a tattoo shop to look at designs can be intimidating. The artist inside seem as if they expect you to get that new tat now. They're much desensitized to giving them and seeing them day in and out. I think they forget how big it can be for a first timer.

So I offer this advice. If you're looking for the perfect tattoo you can now explore designs and art online. I've been looking and have found I can explore all my options while online checking out some amazing stuff. Now it takes me forever to make up my mind and you may be like me. What ever your case is you can take your time and find just the right tat for you by looking through art galleries on the internet.

After you take your time and find the perfect body art for you online you can take it to your local tattoo shop and go in like you know what you're doing. You will also want to educate yourself on tattoo procedures and watch videos of it to know what to expect. All in all you can do your leg work before you set foot in the shop. This will make you much happier and not leave you with any regret.

I'm having a great time sorting through all the great body art to find the one perfect first for me. I can't wait but I know I want it to be a special piece that I will look upon fondly forever. So if you've been wondering will it hurt, how long will it take and where to find the best and freshest designs the internet is the place to educate yourself.

Here is what I've got: a website with tons of fresh and unique designs!

Jump over to Unique Tattoo Design and find the special tat that's just for you!

Katie enjoys sharing resources. In doing so she has created relationships with certain experts and in recommending their products may receive compensation for doing so.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fresh Tattoo Art - Locating Galleries With Good, New Tattoos and Designs

There was a time period when locating fresh tattoo art was one of the easiest things to do. This is not the case any longer, though. All most people bump into are bottom of the barrel galleries that have nothing but the same generic images and artwork that have been floating around cyber space for eleven years. There are still tons of fantastic galleries that have fresh tattoo art, but you need to know how to pin point them.

Why are so many of us having such an issue trying to find galleries that have quality tattoos? It shouldn't be such a difficult thing to do. Well, this is true, but there is a reason that finding fresh tattoo art has become nearly impossible. It's because of the way 90-95% of men and women looking for these websites. Yes, I am talking about the good old search engines. The tool that were once extremely reliable at providing us a good list of galleries is no somewhere close to worthless. Al lit give you is this enormous list of low end websites and each of them tends to be filled with the same generic artwork as the next website.

Most of the newer places don't take pride in providing their visitors with quality designs. Instead of giving them fresh tattoo art, they would rather fill their site up with as much generic stuff as possible. It's quantity rather than quality. This means that all of the truly good galleries are being pushed way back in the search engine results, never to be found. Since the average person will only look through two or three pages of search results, these place sit there all alone.

So, how do you even find them now that search engines aren't doing the job? Well, if you want websites that have fresh tattoo art, forums are the best starting point. The more well established forums work the best, because they are usually very large. You want large forums because the tend to be stuffed with past topics on subject related to tattoos. One look at some of these topics and you will see that people are always willing to help. Men and women are constantly sharing links and information on the great galleries they have uncovered that have fresh tattoo art. You simply reap the benefits of their generosity. It's that simple.

It's an easy transition and it can make all of the difference in the world when it comes to finally finding the fresh tattoo art the web has to offer.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find the tons of Fresh Tattoo Art.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo designs you will ever see. Finding quality tattoos has never been easier.

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New Tattoo Designs - Where is the Fresh Artwork For Tattoos

I am going to include some very useful tips to locate the new tattoo designs on the internet. We still have too many people who start out looking for fresh tattoos, only to end up choosing some generic, bland design that they don't 100% like. I will tell you why that happens as well as how to avoid it. Locating new tattoo design should be a fun experience and hopefully this helps you out.

I am sure that you have noticed how easy it is to find artwork for tattoos on the web. You can locate thousands of them in the next eight minutes if you really needed to. Most of the tattoos you find will be nine years old and pretty generic, though. It gets even worse if you are relying on search engines to find new tattoo designs (like 95% of us do!). All that seems to pull up in search results are the same kind of low end galleries that don't have many new tattoo designs, if any.

On top of that, a lot of the artwork they carry was not even meant to be used as real tattoos! That's right. Most of these cookie cutter galleries only care about one main thing, which his packing their site with as much artwork as humanly possible. They don't care that half of the new tattoo designs they post aren't even real drawings for "tattoos". It's sad that they would do this, because people will pick one of these designs and run to go get it tattooed. They have no clue that the design isn't going to look anywhere near as good and crisp as it looked on the paper they printed it on. Those aren't new tattoo designs. They are random images that the gallery is passing off as "tattoos".

While you are going to find this type of artwork just about everywhere you go, there is a simple way to cut a lot of it out of the equation...

You can do this by using internet forums to your advantage. The bigger forums are always packed with topics about tattoos. This is where tons of people get together and talk about where they found their great tattoos and the artwork for them. It's an easy way to find the tons of galleries that just don't seem to pull up in search engine results. Most of the time, the galleries you find this way will be far superior to most of the stuff you've been seeing. It's a good way to find a lot of new tattoo designs and a bunch of fresh artwork.

Locating new tattoo designs online should be a fun experience and hopefully this helps you out, if only a little bit.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find tons of New Tattoo Designs.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of new tattoos you will ever see. Finding the perfect fresh tattoo has never been easier.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Top Five Popular Tattoos

Every few years or so the fads in tattoos change, while some designs are always popular sometimes news one manage to squeeze their way into the popular tattoo fads. At this moment in time there are five tattoos that seem to be rather popular amongst men and woman. Below is a list of the most popular tattoos right now.

* New school tattoos, which is really a newer take on the traditional style tattoos that were made popular by sailors and servicemen. These new style tattoos are anchors and swallows, but with one small difference. The colors and detail are more vibrant.

* Japanese Kanji Tattoos are starting to get real popular with people, mainly women. Women are drawn to this particular style and love to have it Incorporated into a full sleeve with various kinds of kio and carp fish, as well as the popular Japanese characters.

* Floral and heart tattoos. These two tattoos are timeless tattoos that have been around since the tattoos first came mainstream. There are a plethora of designs, colors, and detail that one has to choose from to make their very own.

* Star tattoos is another example of a timeless tattoo design that has been popular for decades. Stars are also a great tattoo design to pick and not have to worry about regretting your choice. The came in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, clusters, bursts and so on.

* Tribal tattoos have been around for hundreds of years now and don't show any signs of getting any less popular. However, tribal tattoos of today's time are little more complex than they were when they first hit the scene.

Your Tattoo Friend


Ashley enjoys writing on her Tattoo themed blog at please stop by and drop a comment.

For more information and access to over 15,000 tattoo designs online, check out Ashley's sponsor at

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Girl Tattoos - How to Find the Right Design For You

If shows such as Miami Ink and L.A. Ink show us anything, it's that tattoos are not some passing fad. What once was a form of rebellion is now seen by many as an outward extension of who they are. Women today are becoming increasingly tattooed and searches on the net for girl tattoos have skyrocketed. Some tattoo studios (once called tattoo 'parlors) can even have a female to male ratio of 60% to 40%.

What drives a woman to get a tattoo? The most heard reason in studios is that they just broke up with someone. Some get their first ink after a divorce or other major change in their life such as losing a loved one, childbirth, marriage or even religion (think cross tattoos or The Virgin Mary). This is a practice that dates back thousands of years.

What are women having done tattoo-wise? The most popular are typically flowers, tribal designs, butterflies, fairies and cartoons. These tattoos are also starting to get larger and more customized. There was a time when women usually "hid" something very small on their shoulder or ankle. Today popular spots include the small of the back, arms legs and even chests. Although, the ankle and shoulder are still tremendously popular locations...the tattoos are just larger. Typically being more stylish that men, women are more concerned about tattoos they want and where on their body to put it. Part of the tattoo artist's job is to help the client select a design or possible location that will accentuate a certain part or shape of the body.

Women also seem to be better than men when actually getting tattooed. Men like to think they are tough can take the pain. But when the needle hits their skin they pass out in the chair. Women, on the other hand anticipate the pain and will have a higher tolerance.

Have you been searching the internet looking for tattoo designs, a tattoo finder or more particularly girl tattoo art? Finding the right design can be downright exhausting. People with tattoos will tell you how long it takes to choose the right one. After all, they last forever and shouldn't be rushed. It could take 20-30 hours to find the right tattoo design, so don't get a tattoo on a whim or go with cute and trendy. A feminine tattoo should be unique and should speak about who you are and not copied from someone else.

If you are like most women, you have searched and searched for the right design; be it a cross tattoo, a floral tattoo or butterfly tattoo. You may have searched the internet, looked for a tattoo finder or even searched the books of your local tattoo studio. Take your time and try to visualize the type of tattoo you want before you get it. Try to find examples that resemble your idea to see what it may end up looking like. Never be tempted to 'just pick one off the wall'...never settle for less just because you can't make up your mind. The first half of 2008 shows the 5 most popular girl tattoos to be Traditional Japanese tattoos (koi fish, dragons, etc.), Traditional American tattoos (pin ups, classic cars, etc.), Floral tattoos, Anime (although I think this is a passing fad) and Indian / Hindu tattoo designs. Be careful, though, some designs can have totally different meanings than what you thought and can also be associated with particular cultural groups; such as gang tattoos. Also be sure to have any foreign tattoos, such as Japanese lettering, translated before having them permanently affixed to your body! The estimate is that 25% of all translation in tattoo studio is wrong! There are tons of cases of people going to get a Japanese tattoo of "strong will" and the lettering actually spelling out "small fish" or something worse.

When getting a tattoo, remember that fads come and go, be aware of any regulations your employer may have against them and remember that having one removed can cost up to ten as much as the original tattoo!

People have said that getting a tattoo is like losing your virginity! The rush, the smell, even the pain are extremely memorable and intense. People even say that tattoos are addictive!

So if you are thinking of getting a tattoo and are looking to girl tattoos, remember to make it your own, consider the placement and above all...have fun.

Did you know that women are quickly becoming the most tattooed member of society? Find your perfect design; be it a cross tattoo, a butterfly tattoo or any of a thousand at

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Cute Girl Tattoos - Which Designs Always Come Out Amazing

Just about any design choice can be made into cute girl tattoos, but that's not what we're going to talk about. Having tons of styles to choose from is not a bad thing, though. Not even close. Taking the time to learn about various styles and researching the design choices you might like is always a good thing. In fact, people who do "not" do this will usually regret the artwork they put on their body, which really stinks. Here's are some of the most amazing designs choices, which can all be made into cute girl tattoos.

I am going to lump some of the most popular ones into the same boat: Butterflies, fairies, stars, astrological signs and the like. You can't go wrong with any of these choices, although a disturbing trend is happening to these styles. A lot of sites know how popular they are, so they stuff their servers with any generic artwork they can find. They don't care that their artwork is cookie cutter. They just care that it will draw more visitors. Be careful with this artwork, because 95% of people regret putting a generic tat on their body. They do not make cute girl tattoos.

Whatever styles you end up picking, just make sure you are doing it for the right reason, and not just because other people are doing it. Fads come and go. That's why trendy artwork will not last.

A couple of the less common styles are Kanji, women tribals and "New School" artwork. These three choices are not as common on women, but they are very, very in depth and growing in popularity. You are not limited when you choose these cute girl tattoos, because there are so many various ways to incorporate these style choices. That's the best way to ensure you pick a design that you're 100% happy with. Styles that can go 50 different way are always good, because it gets your creative thoughts flowing. Kanji is mostly letters, tribals are very traditional and new school artwork is just now beginning to take off, but incorporate dozens of various traditions.

Whatever artwork you think will make cute girl tattoos, nothing beats getting fully informed about the designs you're looking at.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to pick from thousands of quality Cute Girl Tattoos.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo artwork you will ever see.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beauty of Flower Tattoo Designs

Flowers are perhaps the among the strongest object used to symbolized women and tattoos are not any different. For centuries, women have been coming up with more creative and illustrious flower tattoo ideas to add to those that are already in existence. One of the main reasons for this is flower tats will never be out of style in any day and age. What this means is, these tattoos and ideas will be around and tattooed by women all over the globe in years to come yet.

When it comes to flowers, there are really no limitations as to what can be tattooed. No matter what, flower tats will almost always look great on a woman especially when tattooed by an experienced tattoo artist/tattoo parlor using quality tattooing techniques. What this means is there are really no right or wrong when it comes to flower tat ideas. It is more a question of whether these designs suit the woman in question. We do have some flower tattoo ideas to help out women out there wanting to get one (or even in multiples).

First of all, the most obvious would be to choose between a black inked flower tat or a colored flower tat. While flower tats can still look good in black, flowers do bring out the life in these flowers especially when the flower tattoo ideas and designs are in 3D.

Next, flower tattoo ideas can also revolve around the type of flower itself. Although the most common and popular flower used in tattoos are roses, there are also many other flowers that have been tattooed and actually with great results to boot. They can include (but not limited) to orchids, sunflowers, morning glories, lilies and sunflowers.

Flower tattoo ideas can also come in the form of the number of flowers used in the design. For instance, a single rose may look good but when coupled with another bud, it can have adverse effects. On the same note, bouquets or bunches of flowers can also have positive effects. These flower tat ideas may also include other objects or even an image of a person on it. Guns, skulls, sun, women or body part can go well with these flower tats.

Among the most overlooked of flower tat ideas lies in the form of the placement of the tattoos in itself. Having the flower tattooed on the appropriate part of the body can accentuate that body part in question. It really comes down to the issue of how revealing the tattoo is intended to be and for whom the tattoo is targeted at (private or public).

The next tip or advice we have where flower tattoo ideas are concerned lies in the tattoo artist/parlor itself. An experienced and skilled tattoo artist can give you great ideas on the actual design or/and placement of the tattoo based on individual characteristics/personalities and other factors.

The above are only a handful of flower tat ideas and tips to help all those with interest and intentions in acquiring one. The best thing about them is they are constantly evolving in line with the current fashion and trends. In other words, one can almost never go wrong with a beautiful flower tattoo design!

FREE Tattoo Ideas

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Flower Tattoo Art - How to Get the Perfect One For You

If you do not know yet, flower tattoo art is closely associated with creating attractive blossom patterns. Actually, such work of art is done by placing some markings in the body depending on the designs of tattoos that you have chosen. A very stunning tattoo art that makes use of flowers can guarantee you of a tattoo design that will not only look stylish and trendy, but at the same time, will bring a deeper meaning to you. Here are just a few of the other things you need to know regarding getting one for you:

First of all, look for a handsome pattern that will give you utmost pride as you wear such tattoo design on your body. Also, make it a point that there is a deeper meaning or story behind the design that you have personally picked. That way, when people ask you why you have chosen such beautiful designs of flowers, then you have a tale or story to tell, which will definitely give your body art a deeper meaning.

Also, make sure that you also look into the kind of shape that you will want to be drawn on your body. If you are a woman, you should instruct the local tattoo artist doing your markings that it should be something smaller considering you have a lighter and smaller built than a man. If you happen to be a member of the male population, then make sure that even though you are considering getting some flower designs as your body tattoo, you should find the flower tattoo art that will match your gender and will not lessen, but instead enhance your masculinity even more.

On the other hand, if you are a woman in search of an excellent flower tattoo art, make sure you ask your tattooist to do a tattoo which is exactly what you want from the smallest details of the size, the design, the colors, and several others. Such flower designs are actually symbolic of the true spirit and moral fiber of a person; and what is more, it can even bring out the feminine side of you upon wearing such flower tattoo designs. However, make sure that you have finalized all the details of the design you have chosen, so that when the local tattoo artist finally starts to draw or ink your tattoo marking, it will not be difficult for both of you since he already knows what you want.

Furthermore, if you prefer a flower tattoo design that depicts a religious meaning, representing your religious practices and beliefs, then it would be best to select the iris three-way petals as your tattoo design. Such design has actually been considered as a tattoo art that stands for the Holy Trinity, and with the colors symbolizing the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Last of all, you may also wish to have the flower tattoos in combination with birds, or in particular a hummingbird while enjoyably eating the flower's nectars from the flower designs drawn on your body.

If you want to get your body tattooed permanently with a Flower Tattoo Art, then it would be helpful if you know more about the various designs that go with such image. Just click HERE to know more about Tattoos.

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Lower Back Tattoos For Women - A Few Thoughts to Ponder Before Getting One

Ladies, if you are looking to get a lower back tattoo, here are few things to think about first. For some men, lower back tattoos on women can be a real turnoff. And besides being perceived as unattractive, your new ink may also trigger an intimidation factor in guys. The last thing you want to do is scare off your new prospect.

Now why would tattoos for women on the lower back potentially scare off some men you ask?

Perhaps because it expresses a sign of independence. It sends out a subliminal message to possible suitors that you are not in need. You are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and you don't need a man for support. I know...this may sound silly but it is true. Men are wired to be the care providers for women or the knight in shining armor so to speak. Something as simple as a butterfly or fairy tattoo design may suppress this trait in men and may have them looking elsewhere for other partners.

But why would men find my lower back tattoo unattractive?

Well, there are a few reasons. First, a tattoo on a sexy part of the woman's body may send a signal to men that you are promiscuous or flirty. This, in itself, may suggest to men that you have had several sex partners in the past or that you are "very experienced." Some men may find this to be a huge turn on but others may find it to be a huge turn off. It just depends on the man.

Second, not all men feel comfortable about introducing Mom and Dad to a woman with a lower back tattoo. This is only because those men have a pretty good idea of what their parents find to be acceptable. For a lot of parents, tattoos on the lower back may convey the same suggestions of promiscuity.

Lastly, some men may just not prefer lower back tattoos on women. It's as simple as that. Some guys just see them as being unattractive. Then again, some men may find them to be incredibly appealing.

So what can you do?

If you are considering getting a tattoo and you are already in a relationship, run it by your (serious) boyfriend first. Bring it up casually in conversation. See what kind of response it provokes out of him. You might even say, "My friend got a tribal butterfly tattoo on her lower back...what do you think of that." This way at least you have some idea.

You could also just not really care what anybody thinks. If you want a tattoo, then get a tattoo. After all, that's what a tattoo is about, right? It's an open and free form of expression. Why should you care what anybody thinks? Just be sure that the tattoo you get is the right one and has special meaning to you and you only. Don't get something that you will regret 10, 20, or even 30 years down the road.

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